Brenner pfp



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Brenner pfp
My dream acquisition is Figma buying Would be the largest accelerant of designers being able to build full apps
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Brenner pfp
A brief interview w @bryanjohnson
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Brenner pfp
I’m surprised nobody’s made a video game where you watch a movie prequel first and then start playing
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Brenner pfp
AVSs going live
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Brenner pfp
In case you need a reminder, Burning Man Main Ticket Sale Registration is going on right now, closes tomorrow at noon PDT
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Brenner pfp
When a Lyft or Uber driver is acting in bad faith and thinking they’ll get me to cancel, good lucky buddy, I’ll just use the other and wait you out
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Brenner pfp
Eigen team, where can we read/learn about what to do with our ETH that would be most helpful to the ecosystem at this stage?
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Brenner pfp
Upgrading my EigenPod has not been a smooth experience. Classic bad crypto UX everyone talks about. Who’s the PM for EigenPod UX? Happy to chat
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Brenner pfp
1. Greg is an absolute speed demon 2. The power of open data
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Brenner pfp
Maybe Elon will run Twitter into the ground enough that Farcaster can buy it
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Brenner pfp
My next home sound system will be wired. AirPlay is trash
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Brenner pfp
Running hubble, it would love if it was possible to set the grafana port from an env var so I can run it on the same node as my eth validator and it doesn't interfere with my validator grafana! cc @df
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Brenner pfp
A little late, emergency alert…
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Brenner pfp
Spot the odd one out
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Brenner pfp
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Brenner pfp
Does any one have a pattern they like when using prost and sqlx? Specifically for enums? I want to go from proto enum -> rust enum -> sql enum without having to manually write conversions, or call `to_string()` on my enums I'm using tonic_build / prost_build Any ideas?
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Brenner pfp
I’m convinced NFT NYC the conference doesn’t actually exist. We all just agree in a decentralized fashion that we’re gonna call it “NFT NYC week” and then any fund or company w money throws an event
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Brenner pfp
A frame that lets people with power badges attest to having met you in person. Once you get 12 attestations, you can mint a ŘĘÄĻ nft
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Brenner pfp
Conference weeks where I get to see all my friends, some in from out of town, every evening, reminds me I’m definitely in the right space
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Brenner pfp
@brenner.eth has definitely been the smoothest experience for working with protos
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